Khatam al-Anbiyyah, Sarwar-i-Kunin ﷺ


Khatam al-Anbiyyah, Sarwar-i-Kunin ﷺ

Khatam al-Anbiyyah, Sarwar-i-Kunin ﷺ

It is a historical fact that before the arrival and the mission of the Lord of the Universe, the Seal of the Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, Ahmad Mujtaba, the entire humanity was immersed in the deep darkness of ignorance and lost way. The caravan of life was wandering in oblivion of its lost path and destination. Human life was subjugated and enslaved by criminals, oppressors and exploitative forces. There was no savior, guide, mourner, or mourner. Shiraz of human life had been torn apart by polytheism and idolatry, corruption and disorder had arisen in every corner of life. The shadows of fear and sadness had spread and covered the entire human life.

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