Khatam al-Anbiyyah, Sarwar-i-Kunin ﷺ |
It is a historical fact that before the arrival and the mission of the Lord of the Universe, the Seal of the Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, Ahmad Mujtaba, the entire humanity was immersed in the deep darkness of ignorance and lost way. The caravan of life was wandering in oblivion of its lost path and destination. Human life was subjugated and enslaved by criminals, oppressors and exploitative forces. There was no savior, guide, mourner, or mourner. Shiraz of human life had been torn apart by polytheism and idolatry, corruption and disorder had arisen in every corner of life. The shadows of fear and sadness had spread and covered the entire human life.
Not only the human spirit, but also the spirit of the universe was anxious and troubled, because it was waiting for the savior, who was sent in the form of Khatam-ul-Nabieen, Sayyid al-Murslin, Rahmatul-ul-Alamin, peace and blessings be upon him, who would bring such a revolution not only for man, but for all the worlds. It was to establish and build such an ideal society from which the entire mankind could benefit forever and find a solution to all their problems. He ﷺ was adorned with Sayyid al-Marsalin and the highest and perfect attributes of Hamida.
In the blessed person of the Prophet (PBUH), all the virtues of good looks and good manners were given the highest rank. Allah, the Most High, has collected all the attributes and perfections that He had given to the Prophets before him, as a whole, in the qualities of his Prophet. Undoubtedly, Khatam al-Nabieen (peace be upon him) is the perfect appearance of beauty and beauty and the final standard of the character, excellence and perfection of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Just as the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was a figure of beauty and grace, and in beauty and grace, there was no likeness to him before and will never be possible. In the same way, the life and virtues of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have been in the best form for fourteen and a half hundred years, and his blessings will continue forever. Allah, the Exalted and Exalted, bestowed upon him the highest morals by making him the Mercy of the Worlds and the Seal of the Prophets, and declared his good conduct as a source of mercy and imitation for all mankind.
Allah Ta'ala said while mentioning the noble morals of the Prophet (peace be upon him), "Indeed, he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) occupies a high position of morals." Someone asked the mother of the believers, Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa, about the morals of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and she said: "Haven't you read the Holy Quran? His morals are the Qur'an." The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "I have been sent to complete good morals." And he said, "The best person among you is the one who has good morals. (Bukhari and Muslim).
There have been many people in this world, who achieved perfection in one or more areas of life or made a history-making achievement, but they did not make an all-round revolution in all areas of life and promised to make history. There is only one person who can do constructive deeds, and that is the perfect leader, Prophet Muhammad, whose shining sun of growth, guidance, mercy and compassion rose and rose, rose and rose, never to set. is going This is the reason why today religion, i.e. Islam, is the fastest growing religion on this planet. It has been rightly said that there is only one name of Muhammad, which cannot be increased or decreased.
The good life of the Prophet ﷺ is a sacred foundation of the great and pure revolution, which has no precedent in human history. He ﷺ made such a promise in every field of life in just twenty-three years despite the most unfavorable conditions. He brought about a global revolution that drowned in ignorance and darkness, deeply yearning in war and conflict, the body of humanity turned upside down, such a body is turned upside down, the likes of which cannot be found in the history of nations. Khatam-ul-Rasul, the Lord of the whole, who gave the dust of the road, promoted the valley of Sina! In the eyes of love and pleasure, the same is the first, the same is the end. The same.
Undoubtedly, Sayyid Arab and Gentile, Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ is the greatest claimant of monotheism, the greatest bearer of human rights, the ideal figure of love and compassion and forgiveness, the founder of pure civilization and culture, the greatest social reformer, The greatest thinkers and thinkers are the leaders and the most perfect human beings in the world. The government may be in the form of a son, a husband or a father, a citizen, a shadow, a friend or a relative, whether you are a missionary or of a general, as a conqueror or ruler.
Be it in the position of an ascetic or a worshiper, in the position of a judge or a physician, in the position of a teacher or a businessman, in the position of a perfect leader or a great reformer, in all positions, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is omnipresent. , comprehensive attributes, is the greatest and ideal. What are the best poems? Peace be upon him, whose title is Rahmat llal Alamin, whose name is Peace be upon him, there is no second in the two worlds. It is.....Peace be upon Him, who is the Praised Lord, the Beneficent. This is the reason why Allah, the Exalted, has emphasized the obedience of the Prophet along with His obedience at several places in the Holy Qur'an.
In other words, in order to obtain the pleasure of Allah, it is necessary to obey the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wholeheartedly. Undoubtedly, all praises are due to Allah Ta'ala, the Blessed, the Merciful, the Most Gracious, and the most praised entity after Allah, the Most High, is the Greatest Being, the Most Merciful. He gave you bright victory. (Al-Nashrah) "And We have exalted the mention of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for you."
The fact is that every particle of the universe is a witness to the praise and exaltation of the two worlds, the Imam of the Prophets (peace be upon him), and this high rank, in the entire universe, will not be granted to anyone else except him. Neither the call to prayer nor the prayer is complete without the mention of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). The Holy Quran has declared that the Prophet (PBUH) is the "Siraj-e-Munir" of this universe. This is a historical and eternal miracle of the righteous life and pure life of two scholars. Not only Muslims, world celebrities and non-Muslim intellectuals also agree on your personal greatness.
Famous scholars of the West have acknowledged the greatness of the Prophet by paying homage to him. Renowned Hindu poet, Kanwar Mahendra Singh Bedi Sahar has said very well that if love comes from someone, there is no other choice... Only a Muslim has no monopoly on Muhammad. And according to Shesh Chandra Saxena, this holy person is beloved by every human being...not only a Muslim, but a relation of the bosom of Muhammad.
The universal, eternal, perfect and comprehensive example of action is only Khatam-ul-Nabieen, may God have mercy on him. The personality of the Prophet (PBUH) is so great and comprehensive that not only countless books have been written on the biography of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) but will continue to be written forever. Both the tongue and the pen will continue to describe the good qualities of the Prophet, despite this, new and new corners of the good life of the Prophet will be found.
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